10 Jenkins Terrace, Pinnaroo SA 5304
Please Contact Agent

Property Description

Hanton and Sharrad - Business and Premises for sale

The iconic Hanton & Sharrad business is being offered to the market for the first time in 116 years since its inception in 1908. Not only is the business and premises historically significant, it also forms an essential and integral part of the Pinnaroo business landscape.

A proud 4th generational business with very little commercial competition, Hanton and Sharrad provide not only engineering and maintenance services, but also stocks and supplies key parts, steel supplies and industrial hardware to the surrounding communities. On offer is an excellent customer base along with long standing relationships with several key suppliers.

Contact the agents for an Information Memorandum and Form 2:
Michael Wetherall M. 0438 372 104 E. mike@pphs.com.au
Bruce Rodda M. 0418 818872 E. bruce@pphs.com.au
Renea Virgo Boddington M 0428 832728 E. renea@pphs.com.au

Property Location