Gunnadoo is an attractive, sheltered property, with easy access from a bitumen road. This property is a highly improved parcel of land, consisting of gently undulating grey and red loams over clay, with scattered red gums creating warmth and shelter for the home.
Gunnadoo has a wonderfully diverse array of stunning birdlife. The property is on two titles which lends itself to lifestyle elements. There is an allotment of tagasaste trees, ideal for cattle grazing, stock shelter and bird life.
Contact the agents for an Information Memorandum:
Bruce Rodda M. 0418 818872 E. bruce@pphs.com.au
Michael Wetherall M. 0438 372 104 E. mike@pphs.com.au
Renea Virgo Boddington M 0428 832728 E. renea@pphs.com.au